Thursday, September 16, 2010

Don't Stick/Your Elbow/Out So Far/It Might/Go Home/In Another Car/Burma Shave

Words of wisdom, for sure. I bet you remember taking that family vacation and reading those Burma shave signs. It was the most successful advertising campaign in the country. It all started out with a product made by Burma Shave which was a liniment. Sales were poor and the company needed to manufacture a product that would sell. So, Burma Shave came out with the brushless shaving cream.
In 1925, Allen Onell, son of the owner came up with a brilliant advertsing plan. His father gave him $200.00
to get started and the rest was history. From 1925-1963 there were 7000 Burma shave signs all across the country. Those red and white signs soon became part of our popular culture.
The fifties brought a slow down in sales, though. With cars becoming faster, super highways were built and the signs were replaced with billboards. The final Burma Shave sign ended in 1963.
Said Farmer Brown/Who's Bald/On Top/Wish I Could/Rotate The Crop/Burma Shave.

The Verse by the Side of the Road : The Story of the Burma-Shave Signs and Jingles

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Man, Woman, Birth, Death, Infinity...

Ben Casey, Ben Casey, Calling Dr. Casey!

If I had to go to the hospital, it certainly would be County General Hospital. Ben Casey, the resident neuosurgeon, played by Vince Edwards, was gruff, demanding, and decisive. He was a rebel. In reality, he was discovered by Bing Crosby.
Dr. David Zorba, (Sam Jaffee) who was the chief of neurosurgery, had alot of respect for the doctor.
During the first seaon, just about every episode involved a patient with a brain tumor. The patients weren't the only ones with problems. During their work at County General, Casey and his colleagues came into contact with people from every level of society. Issues such as drug addiction, racial tension,
child abuse and euthanasia were brought to light.
The show had the assistance of the American Medical Association. More than $50,000 was tied up in medical equipment and each show cost  about $115,000.
Soon into the series, Vince even started directing the show. He was nicknamed, "The Image" on the set. The
show was such a hit that Ben Casey's face appeared in movie and teen magazines, T-shirts, magazines, puzzles, pins, comic books and anything else that could be marketed.
I even had a Ben Casey shirt! It was crisp and white. When I wore it, I felt so important! A true professional.
Joyce Casey, Joyce Casey, Calling Joyce Casey....